Wednesday, January 25, 2012

New Design!!!

How does everyone like the new design? I was a little hesitant to change it because I really loved the other design, but once I got started changing everything, I liked this new hat more and more.:) I've updated nearly everything and I'm pretty pleased with how this all turned out. Besides, it's always nice to have something new~ a new color scheme, new patterns, new music.:) Hope you enjoy the change~ !!!


S.K. said...

The new design's beautiful!

nonentity said...

Very pretty! I really like the pink and teal combination!

Dani Marie said...

Thanks girls! I'm glad you like it! :)

Dani Marie said...

One thing I really like about the new design is that because it's wider, I can post my pictures Xlarge size. Yeah, I really like that! :)

Kyrstin said...

I noticed your new design last night. It's nice and open. Nice pick! :)

Kristenea said...

I LOVE your new design. You seem to have an eye for excellent color combinations. Nice Job!

Looking forward to more of your posts.