Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A Tribute To David Wilkerson

It's already been a week since he passed from this life to Glory. I grieve that he's gone, but every time I think about him, joy fills my heart for what he must be experiencing this very moment in that lovely place! To think that he is looking on the very face of God as we speak, reveling in the rest and beauty of heaven...wonderful! I simply can't wait to get there myself. The more weird and crazy and evil this world gets, the more I look forward to my true home...Heaven! Anyway, there has been some very nice videos put together in remembrance of him, and I wanted to share them.
 Pastor Dave, as he was affectionately known, was killed instantly in a car accident on April 27, 2011. He had a wonderful ministry, and lived his life for the Lord. I always loved a sermon by Pastor Dave, and was shocked at his passing. Hope you enjoy these short clips.



Heluvsme said...

Good job, Dani! I've been wanting to post something in honor of Bro. Wilkerson myself...but I'm having a hard time with it. There is so much to him and his ministry...

Dani Marie said...

Oh I know...I could write chapters! God has touched so many lives in so many ways through him. Just shows you what God can do with a life fully committed and given to him! God rest his soul, and may we join him soon!

Singing praises,